Boot Camp Fitness and Training

21 08 2010

Real Fit Training Boot Camp is a comprehensive fitness program designed to get major results in the shortest and safest amount of time. By constantly varying workouts, combining conventional moves with unconventional moves and minimizing recovery periods, we eliminate plateaus and get the results you have always wanted. This won’t be your typical workout. Here you’ll find tires, agility boxes, slam balls, TRX, agility ladders, ropes and plenty of other equipment you typically don’t find in a gym.

Will it be tough? Absolutely!

Can you do it? Without a doubt!

Boot Camp sessions run for 4 weeks with a week off between each session. Generally there will be a FREE bonus workout during our off week in which you can bring family and friends. The first day is always a no obligation workout…try it out to make sure it’s the right fit for you. Fitness testing, BMI, body fat test, measurements and meal planning options are all included.

Classes run Tuesday and Thursday with 2 session options…9:30-10:15 with FREE “supervised playdate” (as long has there is room…this option fills up fast) and 10:30-11:15 (no playdate option)

If this time doesn’t work with your schedule please contact me. We may have a small group that you could join, or you can get some of your friends and have your own boot camp time.

Don’t forget, we always offer personal training if this time doesn’t work.

Led by Sommer Tucker, a certified personal trainer and fitness coach

Next Camp starts Nov. 9th

Only $50…only 6 slots available in each session so  reserve your spot!




“The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.”
-John Bingham, running speaker and writer