Build Your Own Success Club

31 07 2010

After a crazy two weeks in Ohio, I am finally back in North Carolina.  I will tell you what, that place is on fire when it comes to fitness, a commitment to get healthy, and fighting this obesity epidemic…better be, they are the 13th most obese state!  Originally, I travelled back to Ohio for a big  Beachbody® coaching event geared toward helping coaches inspire others to achieve their goals and enjoy a healthy, fulfilling life…and how it can benefit you financially to boot.

 I have been doing this for almost a year now.  The success stories and relationships that I have built far outweigh the financial benefits…but the extra money does hurt:)  Almost four months ago, my job as a  Beachbody® coach led me back to a long time friend…and she has been a motivation to me so I would like to share her success story.

Val started P90X ® in December 2008. She stuck with the program and definitely noticed results. She did multiple rounds of the program while incorporating running but hit a plateau. In the spring of this year a core group of us committed to a diet overhaul challenge and then a fitness challenge that I put together on Facebook. For the fitness challenge she switched it up and ordered INSANITY. Through the ups and downs she kept pushing play and those last pesky pounds started to melt off. I started getting messages on Facebook how she reached her goal weight after trying for so long.  Then she sent me a message that she reached her “dream weight”!  Recently I got this message, “I’m finally feeling brave enough to play some beach volleyball in shorts and only a sports bra. It’s silly, but it has been my goal for the last couple of years, and I think I am confident enough to finally do it! I’m still enjoying my Shakeology® and the workouts…i’m on week 3 of theP90X ®/INSANITY hybrid program. I also got a compliment the other day about how toned I look. Woohoo :)” 

How awesome is that!  Those kinds of emails and messages are why I love being a coach…it gives me the chills! I could feel her energy in the messages and, while she might not realize it, she helped motivate me during a rough time as I struggled to reach my pre-pregnancy weight. 

So, this is my challenge for you.  I challenge you to find a 1, 2, 3 or even, 4 friends to keep you accountable.  When Val started with P90X®, she didn’t have the support group that we had organized when she did INSANITY.  Both are highly effective programs but the support was the difference.   We bounced ideas off of each other, checked in on each other and picked each other up when we had an off week.  Thursday I have an appointment to do Insanity with a good friend…there’s no backing out of that. I also hope to start a Fit Club here in the New Bern area where we can work out together once a week and keep each other on the right track.

It doesn’t have to be that involved.  You can simply support each other through emails or Facebook.  Just commit to connecting at least once a week.  You will be amazed at how much it will help. Think you don’t have anyone…you always got me!  Don’t hesitate to ask me! Sign up for a general Beachbody® membership (it’s free) and we can work together and support eachother.  I also send out an weekly motivational email.  Look forward to working with you!

Support Makes All the Difference

19 07 2010

Things have been crazy these last couple month for me with moving cross country and my husband’s deployment looming in the near future. Needless to say, my workouts and eating habits have suffered.  Usually I am pretty good at keeping myself motivated but, boxes, lack of sleep and a 7 month old seem to be at the top of my excuses. 

I decided I needed something to keep me more accountable.  Then it dawned on me, life might be getting in the way of you meeting your goals as well. So, I have an idea…maybe a short weekly email that celebrates our success and discusses our journey is just the support and slight edge we all need to keep us moving in the right direction.  Research suggests that even just a 15-20 minute chat with a coach each month makes you over 50 percent more likely to lose the weight and keep it off…our emails can be our “chat”.

It’s inevitable.  We all are going to have peaks and valleys along our fitness journey.  You never know when your peak is going to get someone out of his or her valley.  So, I want to celebrate your success…big or small.  When you get a chance, shoot me an email with your success story.  Maybe it’s a barrier you were able to overcome, a tip to fit in a workout when time is tight or your incredible transformation story.  Whatever it is, I want to share it with everyone…a great way to celebrate you and keep us all motivated. If you want to get in on this and you don’t think I have your email address, leave it as a comment, shoot me an email ( or sign up for for Beachbody’s general membership (it’s FREE)…we will be directly linked and I can be your coach! Don’t forget to include your email address:)

I’m excited about these weekly emails and I look forward to getting to know you all better.  I will leave you with this.  I got an awesome text from a customer and friend this morning that I want to pass on to you.  She said “Have an amazing day.  Remember to keep that glass half full instead of half empty.” Can you imagine the possibilities if we all had that attitude!

In this together!

Contact Us

9 07 2010

Sommer Tucker, PT


Chad Tucker


Let Us Help!

I realize that weight loss can be complicated. It can be overwhelming and frustrating.  However, research suggests that even just a 15-20 minute chat with a fitnees coach each month makes you over 50 percent more likely to lose the weight and keep it off! So, let us coach you…that’s what we’re here for, and it’s FREE!    Click hereRemember, not only do we automatically become your coach when you make a purchase from our site, we also earn a commission from Beachbody as a way to compensate for our time spent coaching…how awesome is that! So, let us help you pick the perfect program for your goals and don’t forget to get it through us!


 At the very least, leave a comment and keep us posted on your progress! Good luck on your fitness journey!